Director: Leticia Quiles
Assistant Director: Jessica Montano
Treasurer: Elijah Wendel
Adoption Coordinators: Lena Maurer, Colleen Coombs
Foster Coordinator: Nancy Melbourne
Intake Coordinator: Sarah Levine
Data Entry Coordinator: Ivy Kroll
Animal Updates Volunteer & IT: Jamie Cross
Vet Accounts Payable Volunteer: Lisa W.
Healthcare Supplies Volunteer: Deana Esculano
Rat Training and Behavior Coach: Sandy McDonnell

Board Members

President: Sarah Levine
Vice-President: Lena Maurer
Treasurer: Elijah Wendel
Secretary: Lisa W.
Leticia Quiles
Susie D
Jessica Montano
Ivy Kroll
Colleen Coombs
Jamie Cross
Nancy Melbourne

Our Team also includes many foster families and volunteers, without whom we could not rescue all of these wonderful animals!

Leticia Quiles
Leticia QuilesDirector
Leticia has been involved with MRR since 2010 and has served in virtually all capacities…

Elijah Wendel
Elijah WendelTreasurer
Elijah has been a rat parent since 2008, first adopted from MRR in 2017, and started fostering shortly after …

Lena Maurer
Lena MaurerAdoption Coordinator
Lena began working with MRR in 2015 and has served in a variety of roles before becoming…

Jessica Montano
Jessica MontanoAssistant Director
Jessica has been a rat lover since 2008 and began working with MRR in 2019 as Foster Coordinator ,…

Sarah Levine
Sarah LevineIntake Coordinator
Sarah begin working with MRR in 2015 as Intake Coordinator and recently became the President ,…

Colleen Coombs
Colleen CoombsAdoption Coordinator
Colleen adopted her first rats from MRR in 2014, and did some work as a background checker,…

Jamie Cross
Jamie CrossAnimal Updates Volunteer, IT
Jamie adopted his first rat from MRR in 2017.  He began fostering in 2020. He is currently working as an Animal Updates …

Lisa W.
Lisa W.Vet Accounts Payable Volunteer
Lisa has had pet mice since she was a kid and first adopted from MRR in 2019. She began working with MRR in 2023 …

Sandy McDonnell
Sandy McDonnellRat Training and Behavior Coach
Sandy began her professional career and education in animal care, grooming, training and behavior in 1983. Her love of pet rats …

Ivy Kroll
Ivy KrollData Entry Coordinator
Ivy started volunteering with MRR in 2021 when a request went out for data help. From there, it has branched out to various tasks …

Deana Esculano
Deana EsculanoHealthcare Supplies Volunteer
Deana adopted her first MRR rat around 2010 and started fostering in 2016. In 2022 she was given the privilege of becoming the new MRR Healthcare Supplies Volunteer…

Nancy Melbourne
Nancy MelbourneFoster Coordinator
Nancy started fostering for MRR in 2023. She has recently been helping with the duties of Foster Coordinator….