These girls came to us on 6/24/23 because their owner was moving and could not take them along.

Fostered by Emma in Fairfield, ME.


#2023446N, “Dehlia”, Rat, Black, Variegated with White blaze, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 11/15/2022, Spayed/Neutered?: No

#2023447N, “Daredevil”, Rat, Grey, Hooded, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 11/15/2022, Spayed/Neutered?: No

#2023445N, “Emmie”, Rat, Grey, Hooded, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 09/15/2022, Spayed/Neutered?: No

UPDATE 7/5/23:

“Dehlia is extremely outgoing! On the day I picked them up, she was the only one to want to climb out of the carrier and investigate me and whatever else was around. Since then, she has continued to be the group’s biggest extrovert and is always at the front of the pack  to demand snacks during their nightly treat time! She is also prone to nibbling/licking things she’s curious about- like toes, socks, fingers, or even the inside of nostrils!

Daredevil is slowly coming out of her shell. She does NOT like being picked up or held, but she will now come up to the edge of the cage to be given treats at treat time. When handled, she wriggles and tries to flee. If you move to pick her up, she will take evasive maneuvers. She was the most skittish of the five when I picked them up, but since then has moved up to the third least skittish!

Emmie is shy and gentle. She isn’t keen on pets or cuddles yet, but she is very happy to receive treats at treat time. She so far appears to be low man on the totem pole and frequently has her snacks stolen by other members of the mischief.

Emmie is the mother of Dehlia and Daredevil.”




Daredevil (left) & Dehlia (right)

Emmie (left) & Dehlia (right)

All Together