The girls came to us on 1/24/25 because their owner no longer had time for them.

Fostered by Tania in Derry, NH.


#2025042N, “Daisy”, Rat, Tan and White, Hooded, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 01/03/2025, Spayed/Neutered?: No

#2025040N, “Poppy”, Rat, Tan, Self, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 01/03/2025, Spayed/Neutered?: No

#2025041N, “Rose”, Rat, Tan and White, Hooded, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 01/03/2025, Spayed/Neutered?: No

UPDATE 3/15/25:

Poppy is the largest of the three and has the biggest personality. She is curious, energetic, and inquisitive. She is full cream on top and white underneath. She will take treats from your hand and climbs over you. She has given kisses and scampers around when out of the cage.

Daisy is middle of the road personality and the smallest in size. She is have cream (upper half) and white (lower half). She is more timid than Poppy, but warms up to you. She will also take treats from your hand and will sit with you when you hold her for a few minutes. She tends to hide with Rosey, but will come out to explore the area and accepts head scratches.

Rosey is very timid and prone to nipping. She is the only one that will bite you if you stick your finger in the cage. She will take treats, but immediately runs away and hides. Getting her out of the cage is difficult as she runs away as soon as you get close. Once she is out she looks for a place to hide and stays there. I think she will require an experienced rat owner and lots of patience.

Both Poppy and Daisy are progressing well and getting used to human touch and interactions. Both can be handled with minimal effort. Rosey remains scared and defensive. She is prone to nipping and spends most of her time hiding, both inside and outside of the cage.



