Previously Adopted 2024

Seabrook Boys


These boys came to us on 1/20/24 as part of an oops litter. Fostered by Fran in Winham, NH. ADOPTED: #2024049N, "Felix", Rat, Pink-Eyed-White, , Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 12/06/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2024053N, "Henry", Rat, Blue, Irish, Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 12/06/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2024055N, "Levi", Rat, Black, Irish, Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat, Male,

Seabrook Boys2024-03-02T11:46:36-05:00



Elliot came to us on 1/27/24 because of a change in his owner's home status. Fostered by Nancy in Hampton, NH. ADOPTED! #2024033N, "Elliot", Mouse, Tan and White, , Mouse, Male, DOB: 11/29/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: Yes 2/27/24 UPDATE 1/29/24: "How cute is this face? Meet Elliot! Elliot is one entertaining little guy. He is always in


Sprout, Raisin & Ginger


These girls came to us on 1/5/24 due to a chnge in their owner's home status. Fostered by Cecilia in Watertown. MA. ADOPTED! #2024012N, "Sprout", Rat, Black, Berkshire, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 09/01/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2024011N, "Raisin", Rat, Black, Berkshire, Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 09/01/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2024013N, "Ginger", Rat, Siamese, , Dumbo

Sprout, Raisin & Ginger2024-03-02T11:23:14-05:00

Albert & Elmer


These boys were orginally born into MRR custody on 5/14/23 and adopted on 7/23/23.  They returned to us on 12/23/23 because their owner became allergic to them. Fostered by Colleen in Plymouth, MA. ADOPTED! #2023397N, "Albert", Rat, Agouti, Berkshire, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 05/15/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2023401N, "Elmer", Rat, Black, Hooded, Standard Ears/Standard Coat,

Albert & Elmer2024-03-02T11:24:26-05:00



Emilie came to us on 12/3/23 because his owner no longer had time for him. Fostered by Sandy in Manchester, NH. ADOPTED! #2023736N, "Emile", Rat, Grey, , Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 10/05/2022, Spayed/Neutered?: Yes 12/05/2023 UPDATE 1/23/24: "This distinguished gentleman is friendly and easy to handle. He enjoys building nests with crinkle paper in


Zap & Arlo


Arlo came to us on 11/6/23 due to some behavioral issues.  Zap came to us on 7/19/22 after being rescued from someone who was keeping rats caged outdoors in mixed-sex groups.  Zap was adopted with his brother Mati on 2/16/23.  Zap & Mati came back to us on 12/31/23 because their owner no longer had

Zap & Arlo2024-03-03T19:37:07-05:00

The New Years Girls


These girls came to us on 1/1/24 as part of two different oops litters. Fostered by Fran in Windham, NH. ADOPTED: #2024002N, "Midnight", Rat, Black, Berkshire, Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 08/20/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2024003N, "Eve", Rat, Beige, Berkshire, Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat, Female, DOB: 08/20/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No #2024005N, "Cheers", Rat, Black, Hooded, Dumbo Ears/Standard Coat,

The New Years Girls2024-03-09T14:54:19-05:00

Kili & Mr. Fields


These boys came to us on 12/17/23 because their owner no longer had time for them. Fostered by Leticia in Merrimack, NH. ADOPTED! #2023771N, "Kili", Rat, Grey, , Dumbo Ears/Rex Coat, Male, DOB: 12/23/2022, Spayed/Neutered?: Yes 1/23/2024 #2023772N, "Mr Fields", Rat, Blue Agouti, Blaze, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 12/23/2022, Spayed/Neutered?: Yes 1/23/2024 UPDATE 2/4/24:

Kili & Mr. Fields2024-03-04T09:58:04-05:00

Colby Jack, Amber & Penny


Colby Jack came to us from another shelter on 12/22/23. He was adopted on 2/4/24 and introduced to Amber.  Unfortunately their owner is moving to a new home that will not allow them to keep mice. Penny came to us on 3/17/24 because she lost her cage mate and needed some friends. She was introduced

Colby Jack, Amber & Penny2024-05-29T09:50:19-04:00
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