These boys came to us on 1/25/25 because their owner no longer had time.
Fostered by Kristen in Brookfield, CT.
#2025025N, “Alfie”, Rat, Pink-Eyed-White, Pink-Eyed White, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 08/25/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025029N, “Carnelian”, Rat, Brown, Self, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 08/25/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025026N, “Gregg”, Rat, Cream, Self, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 08/25/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025028N, “JerBear”, Rat, Brown, Self, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 08/25/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
All are considered Seniors
UPDATE 3/4/25:
They’re all VERY friendly. I honestly don’t notice much difference in their personalities or preferences. Even the previous owner said Carnelian is a bit more reserved than the others but I don’t see it! In fact, the 2 brown boys are usually first in line to get to me. Alfie can be a little more standoffish but I’m pretty confident it’s a vision issue and not a lack of interest. I think he gets equally excited but is like “where is she??” He stands on his hind legs and sniffs around. I think if his sight was better, he would be right up front too.
They’re highly food motivated and will climb right up onto me when I open the cage. I can handle them with ease and give them good rubs and tickles.
They can be a bit high energy and seem to lack fear so cleaning their cage has been fun. They’re climbing all over everything and I’m freaking out that they’re going to fall. So I give them a yummy treat to keep them occupied. I could also put them in another cage if needed but the treat has been effective. I also like that there’s a reward for tollerating a full home invasion.
The bonus to their bravery is that they’re awesome with play and free roam. Again, Alfie is a little less confident but for good reason. They’re CHEWERS and have been keeping me on my toes with their house maintenance. They love snuggling in fleece, I’ve tried a few different bedding options but they always chose the fleece.
I don’t have a single hesitation or word of caution. Other than supervision during free roam because they WILL climb! So just maybe a fall risk. Lol but they’re the best!