These boys came to us on 1/26/25 because their owner had become allergic to them.
Fostered by Jamie in Concord, NH.
#2025033N, “Adam”, Rat, Black and White, Hooded, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 06/24/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025030N, “Beetlejuice”, Rat, Black, Irish, Standard Ears/Rex Coat, Male, DOB: 06/24/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025031N, “Bob”, Rat, Black and White, Hooded, Standard Ears/Rex Coat, Male, DOB: 06/24/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025032N, “Charles”, Rat, Black, Irish, Standard Ears/Standard Coat, Male, DOB: 06/24/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2025034N, “Otho”, Rat, Black, Irish, Standard Ears/Rex Coat, Male, DOB: 06/24/2023, Spayed/Neutered?: No
All are considered Seniors
UPDATE 2/22/25:
These sweet but shy senior boys came to us from an owner who became increasingly allergic to them. Because of the allergies, they were not able to handle them and so they came to us in need of some socialization.
Over the past few weeks they have all made great strides and started to come out of their shells and be more trusting of humans. They love to come out and explore for treats during free roam which they get to do three times a day (morning, late afternoon and evening). None of them are too found of being picked up, but will tolerate it when we want to give them a quick general health check or need to put them back in to the cage after free roam (though most of the time they can be coaxed back into the cage with treats).
Adam is by far the bravest of the bunch. He will gladly come out of his own accord for free roam and will frequently come check to see if you have any treats or just want to play wrestle. He is one of the two with a standard coat and is black & white hooded.
Bob is probably the second bravest. Affectionally nicknamed “Bushy Bob” as his rex coat distinguishes him from Adam as far as telling the two hooded boys apart. Bob loves to rest the day away on his orange pillow.
Beetlejuice is one of the shyest of the boys. He is black with a soft rex coat. He looks almost identical to Otho but has a bit longer flesh colored spot at the tip of his tail and he is the only one that will rarely take a treat from your hand. He appreciates it if I just leave the treat in front of him where he will grab it at his leisure.
Charles (nicknamed Charlie) is the shyest of the group. He is black with a standard coat. He is usually the last one to come out for free roam and the first to put himself back. If he doesn’t put himself away, he generally needs to be scooped up while in a hide, tube or box to put him back in the cage. Charles loves the dig tank that is in the lower level of the DCN they reside in (similar to the own shown in Shadow the Rat’s “How to Make a Dig Box” video)
Otho (we pronounce it Otto) is a black rex coated boy who looks nearly identical to Beetlejuice. He has a smaller flesh colored spot at the tip of his tail, he is braver and will readily take treats from your hand.
All of them are on the larger side ranging from Bob who is 605g up to Charles who clocks in at 725g. They all love their treats and daily morning veg. They do a pretty good job using their pottys as well.
They’d do well with a relatively experienced rat owner who could continue to work on getting them to come out of their shells. They have great potential to be cuddly old men.
I’d love to see them go altogether as they are littermates and have never been apart but as far as groupings go Otho and Beetlejuice are practically joined at the hip and I would recommend that Charles go with one of the more confident boys (Adam and\or Bob).
Otho (top), Bob (center) & Adam (bottom)
Adam (left), Beetlejuice (center) & Charles (right)
Charles (left) & Adam (right)