This is a courtesy listing – these rats are not in MRR custody. Contact RHCSVT for more info on adoption or inquiries on availability.
Rutland County Humane Society in Pittsford, VT currently has 25 ratties in need of homes! They received 3 pregnant moms this summer who had 22 babies between them born on 8/9/22. Their shelter manager reports:
“They have been checked by a vet and seem to be healthy and growing well. They have had lots of handling as they were being cared for off-site with veterinary tech students. We really aren’t equipped to take care of that quantity of rats, and I worry they will sit here for a while.”
In addition to being friendly, these rats are cute as can be, with lots of different colors and coat types. If you are in the market to adopt in VT, please consider adopting from this shelter as we currently have no MRR rats in the state!
All available rats can be viewed here.