These boys came to us on 12/9/21 from another shelter that didn’t have space for so many gerbils.
Fostered by Colleen in Plymouth, MA.
#2021915N, “Brewster”, Gerbil, Brown, , Gerbil, Male, DOB: 08/15/2021, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2021917N, “Winslow”, Gerbil, Brown and White, , Gerbil, Male, DOB: 10/15/2021, Spayed/Neutered?: No
#2021922N, “Carver”, Gerbil, Fawn, Fawn and White, Gerbil, Male, DOB: 06/15/2021, Spayed/Neutered?: No
UPDATE 1/4/22:
“What a delight these little guys are! From the beginning, all 3 have been inquisitive about and busy in their new home. Carver, especially, was out and about in the tank on Day 1, with Brewster following shortly after. Of the 3, Winslow has seemed the most cautious about being out of the burrow.
All three will approach my hand when I put it in the tank, sniffing and climbing over. One time, Brewster went into my sleeve! Carver and Brewster have taken a small treat – a bit of cracker or tiny piece of apple – from my hand, but Winslow has not yet.
My 2 cats are extremely curious and spend a fair amount of time on their tower watching the boys (I am always in the room during these interactions..) The gerbils can be face to face with a cat, and not seem afraid. The only thing that sends them shooting into their burrows are sudden, fast movements.
On a regular basis, I switch out boxes or houses, and ‘rearrange’ the bedding, to keep the environment fresh. I’m always impressed by what they manage to construct. It’s interesting to observe which pieces of cardboard they chew to pieces and which they don’t … the small boxes that form burrow shelters tend to remain intact (save for exit holes), while large, thicker pieces are mostly destroyed.
All 3 use the wheel. They have bursts of activities during the day and early evening. Everyone will be sleeping together in the burrow, when suddenly someone will come out and invariably, the others will follow. They’ll dig, run on the wheel, wrestle a little, kick back bedding, and generally run around.”
UPDATE 1/22/22:
“The boys are all doing well. Carver and Brewster will take sunflower seeds from my hand. Brewster will sit on my hand and let me stroke him with a finger while he does so. Carver has only just started to sit and eat out of my hand (instead of grabbing and running). Winslow still will not take anything from me directly. Silly boy!”