Jessica has been a rat lover since 2007 and began working with MRR in 2019 as the Foster Coordinator. Her previous experience includes co-founding an animal welfare organization called Bikers Against Animal Cruelty (B.A.A.C.) in 2007, and volunteering and holding board positions with local rescues. She has a passion for educating and promoting responsible pet ownership wherever she can.
Jessica’s responsibilities for MRR include coordinating placements of all incoming animals, handling social media and educational outreach programs, overseeing all rescue operations including supervising, managing, and supporting all key volunteer roles.
She works full-time in Human Resources/Accounting at a manufacturing company by day, and as a Human Resources Manager at an IT Staffing firm by night, where she has been employed since 2001.
Jessica lives with her husband Michael in CT with their rescue dogs, rats, mice and guinea pigs.